Hi All
I have been having a great time lately; however, yesterday I started getting in trouble. For starters, I ate more of my momma's comforter...The stuffing tastes soo good; it gets really addicting. Secondly, I thought it would be fun to go explore the neighborhood, so I walked off the deck onto a snowbank then jumped to the driveway. Now I must be clear, I did not ask for my momma's permission. When she found out, boy did she have a scare to find me across the street. Then, she had to tackle me to the ground. She was not happy that I crossed the street by myself. Thirdly, I decided I would leave my momma a present...I left her a big Turd in the tub. Let me tell you, she did not like that present!
Today, momma was shoveling snow off the deck. At the time, I did not now why. I wanted to play chase, so I escaped again. It was so fun, having my momma chase me around the neighborhood, and all these random people not helping my momma. She finally caught me and brought me home, only to find Pam at our house. I got put in my kennel, and then they both went outside and I heard pounding. Do you know what they did....They sealed off my escape route...Look at these pictures to see the tacky temporary fencing....
I will "Bark" again soon ~Barkley Dean