Christmas 2010

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My New Career!

My momma has come to realize my new career in life.  At first she was hoping it was just a phase, a very expensive phase for her, but I so love using the creative side of my brain that I am turing this into a career.  Thus, my momma better get smart or get a raise to support my new career/habit.  I have decided I want to be in alterations.  Most specifically, I am an underwear alterations kind of dog.  It doesn't matter if they are expensive underwear, cheap underwear.   I really prefer Victoria Secret kind of underwear, but Hanes and Jockey will do as well.   It doesn't matter if it is cotton, spandex lycra, lace or polyester.  I can alter anything I put my mind too.  My most favorite alteration designs include crotchless underwear.  At times I get carried away and the hole turns into a cut in the crotch or big missing sections.  I have also started branching my abilities to create peep holes in the front and fart holes in the back.  If you'd like I can even do combinations of all three.  Needless to say, momma isn't too happy.  She has even started to fill a basket with my creations to fix with her sewing machine.  Momma also wouldn't let me post any creations, so you will just have to use your imagination!   If anyone wants to support my career, you can send clean donations in the mail to momma. 

I will "bark" again soon!
~Barkley Dean