For my momma's 32nd birthday she was given a teddy bear. Unfortunately for her, but lucky for me 2 months later I inherited the teddy bear, (Note to 2-legged people, you have to read between the lines).
Anyway, I love this Teddy Bear. I play with the Teddy Bear with my Aunt Maggie for Tug-O-War. Then the bear got a whole. DO you know what is inside of a Bear???? Stuffing, a puppies delight!!!!I have pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled all this stuffing out. I don't understand though why I can't eat the stuffing. Momma doesn't care that I leave it on the ground, but she will not let the stuffing go into my lovely little tummy. Momma has even helped me pull out stuffing. Sadly, she throws the stuffing away in the garbage.
I tell you though, Momma was really proud when I ripped out an eye. She has nicknamed my bear Voodoo. Voodoo sleeps with me at night. He is one of my pals at the moment. I think my next mission will be to get the other eye out or destroy the bow.
Here is a picutre of voodoo and me.
Well, I will write again soon
~Barkley Dean